
checking in

Hey! It's been several months since I had last updated my blog. So sorry about that. I mean it. A few months ago I had almost completed cleaning all the raws for the next chapter of Koi when I had accidentally deleted all my files including all the completed chapters released. Luckily, I had backup files for the completed chapters, but loss all my cleaned scans for Mitsu. Though, that doesn't explain why it took so long. Honestly, as I was reading the story I started to lose interest after chapter 6. I've also distracted myself by reading other manga and playing oyaji romance novel games. But don't worry I'm almost done cleaning chapter 2 for Mitsu. Hopefully, I will get done by this month and maybe introduce a new projects as well. Meanwhile, I'll be on the lookout for any new oyaji romance manga.

My second excuse is that I've been contemplating whether or not the use of Adobe flash is the perfect visual manga reader that I had envisioned. I've been looking for other alternatives as my initial goal is to provide a outlet for readers looking for niche genres or those that share similar interests to mine and any knowledge that I may have, I can share those. As many of you are fully aware the manga community online is open to everyone, but in turn effects manga artists who make a living off of the work they do. Now, I understand that there are debates on whether or not how much international readers affect the manga artists in Japan and the positive sides of it, but my own view is that what I'm doing now does impact the artists in a negative way. As a result I've been finding other alternatives. Adobe Flash works great, but it is a very timely process when compiling image files into a single flash. Also, dedicated readers cans still upload the images on aggregator sites. My only option would be to provide manga summaries. I haven't decided whether or not I will do that, but it seems my wishes were respected because I don't see any scans of Mitsu-Tsuki or Gekka no Futari on aggregator sites. For, now I will continue to scanlate.

On a side note, just for clarification although this is a scanslation site expect there to be releases made sporadically because it is run by a single person who has other hobbies besides scanslation, okay. I do understand that dedication is necessary, but this site is more a expression of my current hobbies. I will begin blogging about my other interests as well. Please look forward to it as my next post will be about my current oyaji visual novel gaming interest.
Which do you prefer?



  1. Looking forward to your next post, but I also wanted to know if it's okay to the image at the bottom of your post on my tumblr and if that image is something in particular?

    1. I don't mind at all. Go right ahead! Thanks for stopping by. :D

  2. いきなり :D

    Bt, did u know dis manga? Share some hansamu oyaji~

    Title : 保護者失格。一線を越えた夜 現

    1. OMG Thank you, but I'm so sorry for being a nuisance, but I can't read the title

    2. Thank you for the suggestion. Actually, I've been following this series for sometime now. At one time I did consider picking up this series; however, there's incest since her lover is her Uncle. I can stand cousins, but Uncles are just too close. Though, the art is lovely and the scenes are intense.

